The Development Exchange Centre (DEC) is a women-focused Non-Governmental Organization with membership. It is non-partisan, non-faith based, and not-for-profit. DEC was established in 1987 as a forum to exchange development ideas among local women groups. It is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) – IT/10826.
DEC is calling for expressions of interest for the selection of partners to ensure the implementation of projects in respect of its strategic programming. DEC’s approach of selection is to ensure that DEC partners with Organizations most suited to achieve desired results and objectives of its projects. To this effect, DEC invites non-governmental organization/community-based organizations operating in Bauchi or Gombe states that will support primarily women, adolescent girls, and the girl child (girls of school age) to bid for a project from thematic areas of:
1 | Education | Adult Literacy Adolescent girls Girl-Child education |
2 | Economic Empowerment | Vocational training Agriculture Production |
Each proposed project will be for a period of 6 to 9 months only
To accommodate a wide range of intending interest organizations have been grouped into the following categories
(a) Category A: groups without a formal registration from any government authority but recognized by and accepted by their communities. They have a minimal management structure and are financially self-sustaining through contributions and levies for their activities (informal groups). This category of groups is eligible for projects with budgets between NGN (450,000- 2, 249, 550)
(b) Category B: groups that have partial financial support and some form of legal recognition (such as members of trade unions, cooperatives, and associations), but may not have a structured constitution. Groups here have staff/volunteers and their activities financed by member’s contributions and donations. (Semi-formal). This category of groups is eligible for projects with budgets between NGN (2,250,000- 3,149, 550)
(c) Category C: groups registered with government agencies such as the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) with management and directors. The activities are planned and carried out by employees and financed by donations and grants (“Formal groups”). This category of groups is eligible for projects with between NGN (3, 150, 00- 4, 500,00)
Instructions for submission of concept notes;
(1) All relevant documents (soft copy) for the response to this call be accessed on DEC’s website at or (hard copies) at the organization’s head office at No. 5 Kaduna Road, Bauchi, Bauchi State. The documents consist of:
(a) Organization profile form
(b) Concept note form
(2) All completed forms and applications to be placed in a sealed Envelope addressed to:
The Local Approval Committee
Please indicate the category (e.g Category X) on the top right-hand corner of the envelope.
(3) The sealed envelopes are to be submitted at DEC head office at No.5 Kaduna Road, Bauchi, Bauchi state. Submissions will be deposited in a collection box at the entrance of the DEC head office. A register to document details of submission will be provided, please ensure to fill the register.
(4) The deadline for submission is 4 pm (Nigeria), Monday 28 June 2021. After this time, no submission will be accepted.
All inquiry about this call should be made to AND copy with the subject- “SSPF INQUIRY” before Monday 21 June 2021 after which no further inquiries will be entertained
DEC reserves the right to reconsider the geographic or sectoral distribution of projects based on the interests of its programming. DEC also reserves the right to carry out all parts of the call for expressions of interest.
DEC brings to the attention of the public that the application and submission process is free of charge. The forms are not for sale and you are not to give any kind of gratification to access/submit the form. Any organization found to be paying for or giving any form of gratification will be disqualified. You are requested to report any person demanding or requesting payment or gratification for either accessing, submitting, or processing the forms via
Only organizations that qualify for the next stage of proceedings will be contacted by DEC
Women-focused organizations, women groups, and women-led organizations are encouraged to apply.